Saturday, October 3, 2009

Death by Squishy

So as you all probably know it's not a raid unless I die at least once per boss, sometimes two or three (depending on how many b-resses I can bumm off druids). Anyways, I thought I would address this.

You see mages while intelligent are inherently frail, I'll admit, the geeks of WoW. Just like Pallys are the jocks, warlocks are the emo kids, and hunters are the awkward cousin you bring along to fill out your raid. At least one day they'll all be pumping my gas, right?

Because we have no self preservation we have to take pleasure in the little things, like out dpsing the warlocks in the group. It just somehow makes things ok.

Q: How many Warlocks does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: One, but it takes two more to click on it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, are you coming up with those on the fly? Because that one made me lol
